Martin’s Point Health Care / Brand Refresh
The Company
Martin’s Point is a progressive, fast-growing, not-for-profit health care organization based in Portland, Maine. Founded in 1981, they offer the US Family Health Plan to military beneficiaries. Today Martin's Point operates nine Health Care Centers, administers the US Family Health Plan and Generations Advantage health plan across the Northeast region of the country. Additionally, the leadership of Martin's Point is dedicated to making significant and lasting improvements to the health care system.
The Objective
With multiple lines of business and expansion into new markets, leadership recognized the needed to refresh and strengthen their market presence to better represent the organization, increase awareness and build a meaningful brand for future growth.
The process included:
- Primary stakeholder research - internal and external focus groups
- Competitive review
- Brand strategy development
- Identity development
- Internal engagement strategy for brand delivery
- Key message development and tagline
- Comprehensive launch plan
- Collateral development for health care centers & health plans
- Advertising and promotions
- New signage for all locations